The Workshops

"this is the best I have ever felt"

"massive learning curve"

"I give thanks to the universe for bringing us together"

"overwhelmed by what I learned and gained"

Three Parts in One

The O • workshop of three parts can last an hour or as long as you want. We talk about life and practice the Observation of it.

We walk you full circle through the best practices and methods we learnt over 25 years of research into the force that keeps us alive and thriving. A full circle of three defined parts - body-mind-soul - that will get cherished and nurtured with one purpose - to enhance "Prana" (life energy) and the connection to all other energies. The methodology is based but not limited to Ayurveda, an 8000 year old philosophy from Asia which quantum physics is proving to be right. It’s an ongoing science and the mother of medicine and healing and Yoga is part of it and stay assured, it's not only about herbs.

We guide you from your present state to greater connectedness and awareness with exercises and dialogues, and support you all the way to the final hope-filled and active transformation. The exercises are gentle, proven, uncomplicated and very nice. There is nothing uncharming and frightening about this workshop, and we blow away shame, blame and guilt within the first session. You will wake up the Prana with these amazing practices, which will serve you whenever you need to pick up more energy as long as you live. It's not only about the food you eat and how much exercise you do, it starts much before the material parts in your energy. The ancient Richis new!

The workshop is divided into three parts, most of them of 2.5 - 3 hours each with a break. Starting with our observable physical reality, passing through the man-made one, and summing it all up with our creator and meeting our Karma and soul in the bigger picture of Us and Me.

The Three Unforgettable Events In part 1 we lay the foundation for truly understanding why we feel, what we feel, and how to make your body pure and able to find the feelings. In part 2 we dig deep into the mental structures (Bodhi) that create our reality to convert this most amazing "truth" into the deep joyful journey ahead. In part 3 we learn to access the Cosmic Energy of the very real and very miraculous universe, using modern quantum theory, ancient spirituality and numerology.

This amazing workshop detoxes your whole being, your mind and your soul, which in return detach your karma - of your past and future - and that of your family. We speak about authentic stuff, the group grows connections and you’ll most likely have friends for life.

If your gut tells you that there is more to discover, more behind and above the wheel of life, this workshop is for you. It is highly individualized and every guest gets a Dosha reading and personal tips on how to live and thrive for real.

"had I known these simple tweaks and practices I learnt today I would never have fallen ill"

"you saved my life"

"It has been incredible getting to know you both and learn from you"

"you have given and taught me so much, whist filling me with confidence"

"this was way more than I expected"

"I love it"

· ethos


what your body is saying to you.


it is telling you the truth.



the messages it brings.


creatively with the world.


in the inevitability of your journey.

 All our workshops are available in English, Spanish, French, Swedish and can be translated into other languages.

During the Spring of 2022 an Ayurvedic Practitioner Course (counselling/Mind Detox) will be offered in three time zones. 

For more information get in touch.

Program for Marbella
Program for Eskilstuna